Friday, September 5, 2008

Hurricanes and Churches

So we're driving towards home through some light rain caused by Tropical Storm Hanna and talking about my sermon this coming Sunday, and it strikes me that hurricanes and churches have some things in common. I mean that in the nicest possible way.
You want more on that, come to church on Sunday!

I know, how annoying.

We're in Durham, North Carolina overnight. Stopped here because we wanted to dine at the Magnolia Grill (their motto: "Not Afraid of Flavor") and shop at the Regulator Bookshop. This is part of our go-to-the-beach ritual.

Magnolia Grill dessert: walnut torte with brandy-soaked fresh figs, goat-cheese ice cream, and raspberries (for me).
milk chocolate chip pound cake with chocolate malt ice cream and roasted bananas (for Guy).

Back to the Weight Watchers routine tomorrow! And not a moment too soon.

Here's my wisdom on vacations as I reflect on the past week:

1. Do not be overly spooked by hurricane/tropical storm warnings. The Weather Channel and other outlets are in the business of fear. We could certainly have stayed down on Kiawah for another 24 hours with no ill effects. Ten years ago we left a beach in North Carolina after being there only two days because of a hurricane warning, and the hurricane never materialized. Phooey.
2. Do not be underly spooked by them, either.

3. Real vacations = sabbath. I kept thinking, "I'm being so lazy." This is the point, right? At least on my favorite kind of vacation. The lazy kind.

4. What a Guy I'm married to.

5. I am so glad I have Buck Mountain Episcopal Church to come home to.

6. The ocean is definitely a healing place for me. I can't believe I went six years without it, though the West has its own healing places.
7. Do not under any circumstances let five or six years go by between vacations!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll say AMEN! Especially to #4, 6, 7!!