Sunday, September 7, 2008

The First 5:00 Service

It happened this evening, and we had 33 people! The crowd included several newcomers, a few folks who hadn't been attending regularly, and maybe 10 children and teenagers. What a thrill!

We started the 5:00 p.m. service for a number of reasons. First, we anticipate our 10:30 service will keep growing and we will need a place for "overflowing" folks to go as an option.

Second, parents of teens kept telling us that Sunday mornings aren't great for getting teenagers to church.

Third, I talked to lots of young adults (20s and 30s) and others who work Sunday mornings or late into the evening on Saturday. They said 5:00 p.m. Sunday would be great for them.

Fourth, we wanted to offer an entirely different style of worship. This is definitely a "come as you are" service. Jeans, flip-flops, cut-offs, t-shirts, whatever. It is also designed for people who aren't accustomed to more formal Episcopal worship or who simply prefer something more informal. And the music is decidedly more contemporary.

I'm so grateful to the many parishioners who helped start the 5:00 service and for the terrific turnout by "10:30-ers" who came specifically to support our new venture.

Now we just need some volunteer musicians so I don't have to play the piano, preach, lead prayers, preside at Communion, stand on my head, etc., etc.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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