Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Gearing Up for the 4th

Okay, let me admit right from the start that I'm not a big 4th of July person. I haven't been since childhood, when I greatly enjoyed the fireworks we could have at home (mostly sparklers). Group expressions of patriotism make me nervous, with the exception of singing a patriotic hymn or two in church on appropriate occasions.

But this year -- this year is different.

This year, Buck Mountain Episcopal Church is hosting a big 4th of July event. We are giving away free hot dogs and drinks on the church grounds for all who come to watch the Earlysville 4th of July Parade. Now lest you think we will be overwhelmed with crowds, the Earlysville Parade is apparently a modest one. Indeed, when our Senior Warden, Geoffrey Mattocks, called the sponsoring neighborhood association to inquire about the church having a float in the parade, he was told that there never are floats in the parade, just the Fire Department, tractors, and antique cars.

Ha! This year there WILL be a float -- ours!

Said float will consist of our Senior Warden's flat-bed trailer pulled by a tractor, rigged up with boards to make the sides safely high, loaded with hay bales, atop which children will perch. The children of the church (under the guidance of two adult artists, Lucia Bakewell and Marla McNamara) created placards depicting the church's work in the world; these will be affixed to the sides of the trailer. The kids will have fun stuff to throw from the float.

While some of us grill hot dogs and pour drinks, others will provide tours of the historic church building and our really beautiful memorial garden. This will be a great opportunity to welcome our neighbors and raise our visibility.

I sent out press releases and public service announcements yesterday. Let's hope this is the first of many creative BMEC hospitality events!


c'est moi said...

Right on! BMC will have an interesting and great event on the 4th. It would never happen without you. We are blessed!

Anonymous said...

To borrow from a movie, "Hope Floats". WOO HOO! BMC is blessed to have you, and you're blessed to be with them. Have a great 4th! I still remember fireworks in WY. Peace & Cheers!

Rev Kim said...

Sounds wonderful! Dave's motto for the Mtn. View 4th of July parade is "don't be late - you might miss it!" Your tractor float sounds just like the floats we see at that one.