Thursday, June 19, 2008


Last night our Adult Christian Education committee met. I learned that we have been overwhelmed with gifts in this department: Art professor Marian Roberts has agreed to present a two- to three-week series (with slides) on the Christianization of Britain; the Rev. Janet McDonald has offered to present a four-week series on Anglican writer Dorothy L. Sayers, with the class possibly culminating in the production of a play! These are both scheduled for this fall.

Not only that, but our Deacon, the Rev. Anne Hunter, will return from Maine (where she spends half her year) in the fall, and she will do a presentation on the vocational diaconate.

AND there is a possibility that we will start an Education for Ministry group this fall.

For a small-ish parish, this certainly seems like an abundance of good things! I'm grateful.


Anonymous said...

i am so glad you're back on the blogosphere

Rev Kim said...

I want to come to adult ed at your church.